QOTD: Is It Better To Like Your Woman Or To Love Her?

With that being said, is it better to like your woman or to love her? For the guys that are in relationships or marriages, I’m sure you guys notice the difference in your woman when you just like her compared to loving her. When you just liked each other, you could call or text with no problem and she didn’t complain about how long you took to get back to her. When she just liked you, she wouldn’t question you about where you been.

When you tell a woman you love her, she starts too become entitled. What I mean by that is the stuff she used to do when she just liked you don’t come as easy anymore. All the examples I just gave you above, you can now expect the opposite from her. For us men, when we love our woman, we start to do and agree to stuff that we normally wouldn’t do.

And the only reason we do those things is because we think that it will make her happy. But when we just like her, we wouldn’t care as much about making her happy all the time. Which is why I believe that it’s better to like your woman than to love her. Things move more smoothly and it keeps her at bay for the most part. So kings, what do you think? Do you feel like things are better when you are in love with your woman, or do you believe it’s better for you too just like her?