KYWK 101: Stop Second Guessing Yourself

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is stop second guessing yourself. With any decision we make in our lives, we always look at the pros and cons to decide what we are going to do. Even when we come to a decision, a lot of us still have that thought in our heads which makes them reconsider that decision.

KYWK 101: How To Re-Attract Her

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is how to re-attract her. I’m sure we all have had situations where we messed up with a woman. As we realized we messed up, we try to figure how can we get her back again. The first thing that you have to do when it comes to re-attraction is you have to walk away from her.

KYWK 101: Abundance Mindset

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is having an abundance mindset. So this topic is really for the men who are actively dating women or men that are coming out of a failed relationship. When it comes to dating, you have to always be aware of the vibe that you are giving off to women.

QOTD: How Much Responsibility Should A Man Have When In A Relationship With A Single Mom?

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of QOTD, which means question of the day. So, I was browsing on Twitter the other day and ran across this tweet.

KYWK 101: Once She Forms An Opinion Of You

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is once she forms an opinion about you. I always stress to you guys about the importance of not being predictable. Because women can easily fall into the routine of what you are doing. I always stress to you guys about standing up for yourself and not be a pushover.

KYWK 101: Over-Pursuing Women Will Lead To Rejection

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is over-pursuing women will lead to rejection. I think that we all probably have stories of when we over-pursued a woman we liked. Especially when she slowed down her calling and texting. Men have been programmed for years to chase women until she gives in.

QOTD: Should A Man Require His Woman To Go Half On All The Bills When Living Together?

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of QOTD, which means question of the day. The question that will be discuss is should a man require his woman to go half on all the bills when living together. I see this question being asked all the time on social media so I thought I would chime in. In my opinion, I don’t think a man should require his woman to go half on all the bills.

VOTD: Joe Budden Explains How Women Try To Force Things When They Like You

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of VOTD, which means video of the day. Today’s video is from former rapper Joe Budden. As you can see from the clip below, Budden was talking to a woman about how women try to force things when they like you. You guys already know that I believe in telling the truth to women, especially when she asks about your intentions.

KYWK 101: Being Patient Vs Going For It

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is being patient versus going for it. The purpose of this topic is when you are out on a date with a woman for the first couple of times. Now you guys already know that after three days, you have to make the woman ante up. Being patient versus going for it falls right in line with that message.

KYWK 101: You Have To Get Rid Of Your Ego

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discuss is you have to let get rid of your ego. I really believe that this topic is something that a lot of men have a hard time dealing with. All men have a huge ego within them, but some men’s egos are very massive. But when it comes to women, you have to learn to check your ego at the front door.