KYWK 101: Your Confidence Can Never Waver When Dealing With Women

Because those who have it know that it’s a numbers game when it comes to women. Also, women will test you to see if you are confident or not. For example, let’s say you are on a date with a woman and the place you are at is crowded. The way you walk through that crowd and the way your demeanor is will be on display to everyone, including the woman that you are with. Also, let say you leave the woman you are with and go to the bathroom.

There will be some men there who will try to approach her. A woman who wants to see how confident you are will tell you about the situation just to see how you will react to it. If you start wilding out about it, you have just shown her that you are not confident. But if you laugh and shrug it off, she will know that you are confident. If you are out with a good looking woman, you have to already know that there will be men who will be jealous and try to make a play.

But this shouldn’t faze you because you are used to dealing with women that other men want. So remember kings, your confidence can never waver when it comes to dealing with women. Your confidence will always be tested by women and other men to a certain extent. Just know when it comes to women, never be afraid of what the outcome may be. Just know if it doesn’t workout, there is plenty of other fish in the sea.