KYWK 101: Single? Don’t Fall For The First Woman You Meet

In my opinion, the only way to better yourself for your next relationship is to really try to understand women. I think that we can agree that most men want to have sex with as many women as they can before getting back into a relationship. But in order to do this, you have to change your mindset. The first thing you have to understand is you don’t fall for the first woman you hookup with.

When you are single, there is no reason to limit yourself at all. I have told you guys before that you need to womanize. The reason why is because this is the quickest way to learn women. If you are dating seven to eight women at a time, you will start to see how they all respond to some of the same things. If you are only focused on one woman, you won’t get the experience that you need.

For example, if you have multiple women in your life, you can start to decipher a woman’s attraction towards you. The great thing about this is you eliminate the guess work that most men normally do. You will start to notice that some of the women will reach out to you with a higher frequency than others in your life. You will also realize when a woman isn’t into you as much as she might have been a few weeks ago.

Another reason why this is a great thing is you learn how to manage your time with women better. Listen, when a woman is really into you, she going to try and get all of you time. But when you have so many women, you have to manage how much time you allocate to them. This also helps you to not over pursue a woman as well. You will get to the point where you won’t deal with a woman who isn’t pursuing like the others.

So remember kings, don’t fall for the first women you get with. You want to date as many women as you can to speed up your learning process. Always remember that there are millions of women out here looking for a man like you. All you have to do is put yourself in the game and the rest will take care of itself.