VOTD: You Can Lose Money Chasing Women, But You Won’t Lose Women Chasing Money

It’s a well-known fact that when a women is really into you, she wants all of your time. That’s why this video clip is great because the character Chris Rock plays was in this situation. Rock, who was playing the role of a married man started spending time with a younger woman and started to lose focus on the things that made him successful. It got so bad that the CEO of the firm he worked for pulled him into a meeting to discuss this. Take a look at the clip and judge for yourself.

What you guys have to understand is that women want us for our resources. There’s nothing wrong with that because I know that women are all about survival. The more resources you have, the more access you will have to women. For you guys that are in your early 20’s, this is something that might not affect you right now but it will down the road.

The women in your age bracket aren’t interested in the provider until she gets into her mid to late 20’s. Which is why you should be pushing to be in your career or have your business up in running before you get into your 30’s. So what do you think kings? Do you believe in the idea that you should chase after money instead of women?