VOTD: Women Rant About Men Who Play Video Games, Claims They Can’t Take Those Men Serious

First off, it’s a known fact that women hate when men can have fun and it has nothing to do with them. That is the reason why they call men all kinds of names like childish when it comes to playing video games. There are currently a lot men out here that are extreme gamers and making a lot of money playing video games.

So to question what type of men they are is typical women nonsense. The woman on the left claims that every man she dated who played video games was mediocre at sex. She goes on to say that a man who plays video games can’t be a great partner or lover in a relationship. What she is basically telling us is she is a very needy individual.

Everything has to be about her or she is going to complain. The woman on the right admitted that playing video games once she was had her kid. She was the only woman who had a different thought process and made some sense. The woman in the middle starts saying that men who play sports games are failed athletes who are trying to live through the game.

Do you guys hear all of this? Listen to how miserable the two on the left sound. They can’t stand when the attention is off of them, so they have to knock it. These women are why some men get gaming consoles in the first place. For some men, it’s an escape from dealing with their nagging women. She then starts to count everyone’s pockets and says that men’s priorities should be elsewhere due to the pandemic.

Who is she to tell anyone what someone should prioritize. Could you imagine living with these women bitching and complaining about something that makes you happy? Because make no mistake about, this isn’t just about video games. This is for anything that she realizes makes you happy. So what do you think kings, are they out of line with this nonsense or do you think they have a point?

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