VOTD: Tory Lanez Questions Why Women Ask For Stuff They Can’t Buy Themselves

Lanez started to talk about how certain women ask him for stuff and questions if they could buy it themselves. Now it’s very clear that Lanez is in a different tax bracket from the rest of us, but his complaint is something that all of men have. You have a lot of women who think just because they give you some sex, they are entitled to certain things.

Last time I checked, we both are getting pleasure out of this situation. But for whatever reason, you have some women who think that that’s not enough. Now the women in Lanez’s life are asking for Gucci bags because obviously they believe he has the money to buy it. But he is making it very clear that he expects his woman to be on the same level as he is.

This is true on the lower scale as well because a lot of men feel the same way that he does. Most men understand that going on dates and spending money on women is part of the courtship. What we don’t want to do is give money for things they should be paying for themselves. Things like phone bills, rent/mortgage, light bills, car notes, etc. I loved that Lanez put this in the atmosphere because it’s something that needs to be talked about more often.