VOTD: Steve Harvey Says Men And Women Can’t Be Friends. Is He Correct?

But now a video has surfaced that has a lot of men and women talking right now. Harvey was doing an interview and stated that men and women cannot be friends. Take a listen to what Harvey said below.

I agree with Harvey with his thoughts on why men and women cannot be friends. I have have told you guys before that there is no reason to be friends with a good looking woman. Women will accept a man’s pretend friendship, especially if it benefits her. One of the things Harvey said is something I tell women all the time.

He asked the interviewer that if a woman asked a man who she is just friends with on a date, he would say yes to that opportunity. I would take what Harvey said a deeper step forward. I would ask a woman, if you and this man are truly friends, hit him up one day and tell him you want to have sex with him and tell me his response.

Of course, no woman has agreed to do this because they know what the answer would be. Like I said above, a woman isn’t going to lose out on a pretend friendship just to prove a point. She will let him do this until she meets a man who tells her to get rid of him, which she will agree to do. So what do you kings? Do you agree with Mr. Harvey or do you disagree with him?