VOTD: Ryan Davis Explains How The Drag Queen Culture Has Been Embraced By Women

I think Davis is spot on with his observation when it comes to women embracing the drag queen culture. Back in the days, it use to be a funny thing for women to watch men dress up in drag. But now, all that has changed and it seems like women are competing against the drag queens now. You see the current day women nowadays wearing a bunch of heavy makeup, big eyelashes, and wings like never before.

That was the look of the men who would dress up in drag. The crazy thing is this look has been embraced by women of all cultures. You even have women who have men hairstylist and let those same men give them fashion advice. This is also prevalent in Hollywood and the music industry as well. So what do you think kings? Do you agree with Davis that women have now embraced the drag queen culture? Or do you think that he is wrong with his observation of this issue?