VOTD: Man Questions Wife On Monogamy And Sex, Which Leads To Uncomfortable Moment For Their Marriage


So there were a few things that stuck out to me during this video clip. The husband does raise some interesting points about monogamy and how women ask for it, but don’t hold up their end of the bargain. Her response to this was typical women nonsense, which should be expected. She starts going on and on about if she knew about this when she was 26 when she first got married, she would’ve re-evaluated some stuff.

That is a bunch of bull on her part because she knew what she was getting into. But the one thing that is very clear in the video is he is not happy with their sex life. He talked about having a lot of built up testosterone for her, but she’s not ready to receive it. But the big problem here is he doesn’t realize she is not sexually attracted to him at this time.

This is something that a lot of men don’t really want to talk about. You really have to be honest with yourself when it comes to situations like this. When a woman has access to you like they do in relationships and marriages, this can happen. You have to always remember that she was really into you before, so what has changed? When a woman knows you sexually desire her, she will use it against you. Believe me when I tell you that they have had this conversation behind closed doors as well.

For him to bring this up in this type of setting let’s me know this is really bothering him. Her reasoning for her sex drive being low is due to having three kids with him. Listen to me kings, don’t believe this mess that she is saying. It’s a known fact that women want sex more when they hit their 30’s. Which is why I know that she is not sexually attracted to him right now.

Another thing that he brought up was how she pressured him into an engagement and marriage. I have told you guys before that women are always going to do things for the betterment of themselves. She basically told him this by saying she wanted to know where the relationship was going. He follows this up about how they got married one year after being engaged because she told him she didn’t want to wait.

Ultimately, this is his fault because he didn’t stand up for himself. If you didn’t want to get engaged at the time, you shouldn’t have done it. If you didn’t want to get married that quickly, you didn’t have to. The problem was he feared what the outcome might have been if he stood up to her. So now with all this being said, they just showed everyone that they have a brewing issue in their marriage. She’s not sexually attracted to him and he doesn’t know why. So what do you think kings, how do you think he should handle this issue?