VOTD: Heated Exchange Between Trick Daddy And Trina Is Great Example Of Emotion And Logic

As a result of this, there have been protest around the world in the name of black lives matter. Trick Daddy and Trina had a discussion about how this was affecting the city of Miami. During the discussion, Trina went on a emotional tirade about the looting and a whole lot of other stuff as well. Take a listen for yourself.


See kings, this is what I’m talking about when I say women are not logical. When they start to get passionate about a discussion, they never take a deep breath and listen to what others have to say. Women always let their emotion take over and once it gets to that point, it’s over. Throughout this discussion, you can hear Trick Daddy trying to give her some logically feedback but she wasn’t trying to hear it.

He also called out the fact that she made the situation personal, which is something a lot of women do as well. Women love to play the victim role when you get into these types of talks with them. Trick Daddy could tell that she was going down the wrong road and was trying to warn her but she was just too emotional to listen.

As a result, she was trending heavily on social media and caught a lot of backlash due to her comments. But this could have been avoided if she would’ve just listened, but instead was emotionally out of control. So remember kings, when you get into a discussion with women and she is out of control like this, there is no helping her.

You can try to use all the logic you want but she is going to dismiss it every time. But while this is going on, you should remain calm and don’t lose your cool. Because women are reactionary meaning she is going to try to ruffle your feathers to see how you respond. If you don’t give that energy off to her, then she is stuck with dealing with her emotions by herself.