VOTD: Black Woman Stereotypes Black Man Who She Is Attracted To, Believes He Only Dates White Woman


So there is a lot to unpack here as she said a lot of different things. So let’s start with the stereotyping of the young man who was walking by minding his business. She says that attractive men like him only date white women and that’s been her reality since high school. I will say this, there are certain parts of the country where interracial dating is more accepted than other places.

Like if you from the south, you know that you can get side eyed by someone when you are dating interracially. She has a USC sweater on, so I’m assuming she goes there, which bring me to this point. On the west coast, interracially dating is more accepted and prevalent out there. But with all that being said, she is just wrong to straight up accuse this man, who she does even know of just talking to one particular race of women.

When I first heard this, it reminded of how some men act when they see a beautiful woman. Or how some men believe that all women want to date thugs dudes and pass over a hard working man. They make all type of excuses of why they wouldn’t try to approach her. She just did the same thing by basically talking herself out of he interest in him.

That man could only want to date black women, but because she stereotyped him, she missed out. She lacks confidence and her self esteem is very low. I really hate when black women like to lump all black men into these different categories. Let’s be honest, black women have to understand that there will be some black men who prefer dating other races of women.

No matter how much you complain about it, some black men just don’t want to date within their race. So what do you think kings? Let me know how you guys feel about this.