So she starts this off with the typical guy meets the female that checks all the boxes scenario. Then she goes on to say that the female tells the guy that she only dates men that are providers. So let me ask you guys a question, if you meet a female for the first time and this comes out of her mouth, what would you call her? Then she starts talking about what if the girl gets pregnant, but the man is broke.
First of all, if you were using condoms, this wouldn’t even be an issue. Secondly, if you been dating this guy and know he doesn’t have any money, why would you lay down with him in the first place? Now I do agree that with her that men should look in the mirror and acknowledge their shortcomings. But what about the female in this scenario? It’s obvious that she’s not the best at picking the best man available.
All the while still lays down with a dude that she knew from the beginning was broke. While Ms. Emily wants men to check themselves, she should ask women to do the same thing. What made me laugh about this video the most is when she starts saying how they are not their mothers. She claims that women don’t suppose to be going whole, but these are the same women that will tell us that they don’t need a man for nothing.
So excuse us that we see are mothers as hard working individuals and look for those qualities in our women. As you can see, these women love to call us out on everything. But they never hold themselves accountable for nothing that they do. KYWK, don’t let these females play the Jedi mind trick on you.