Modern Woman Complains About How She’s Tired Of Taking Care Of Men

😂😂😂😂 All I could do is just laugh while listening to this. Nobody is forcing you to take care of these men that you are dating or in a relationship with. This is something that you choose to do so how can you get upset about it? I also find it interesting when these older women act like they are still in their 20s when it comes to dating. Like a man with money is going to spend all on her when she is already past her prime. #upset #tired #laughable #interesting #money #delusional #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Video: Man Jokes About Modern Woman’s Eyebrows, Which Makes Her Do This

One thing I know about women is they will definitely question your sexuality when they get upset. While this was just supposed to be a joke session, you can tell this woman wasn’t thrilled about what was said. Instead of just saying another joke, she does what women do best which is question someone’s sexuality. 

#jokes #hurt #question #upset #session #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

QOTD: Why Do Women Get Upset When Older Men Date Younger?

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of QOTD, which means question of the day. The question I have for you guys today is why do women get upset when older men date younger? So a few weeks ago, Scott Disick from Kardashian fame was trending on social media. The reason why he was trending was due to the new woman in his life.