Modern Woman Asks What’s The Best Way To Bring Up Relationships Talk With Men

So it’s a couple of things that need to be addressed. First off, men should never be the first one to bring up relationship talk. When a woman is ready to escalate the things to the next level, she will bring it up. Which brings me to the second thing that needs to be addressed. The only time a woman needs help with something like this is if she is unsure of that particular man. Because she doesn’t want to have to deal with the rejection of him not wanting to be in a relationship with her.  #rejection #escalate #communication #unsure #truth #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

Modern Woman Explains What 50-50 Relationships Really Should Be Like

To be honest, I agree with what she said in this video. Most men will take on the big bills while expecting the woman to handle the small stuff. The problem is nowadays a lot of these women don’t want to contribute nothing while bring nothing to the table. The majority of men value women who understands and realizes that it helps the relationship when she helps out as well.  #truth #contribute #bills #5050 #expectations #bringtothetable #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons