KYWK 101: Why She Only Wants You For Sex, But Nothing More

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment for KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is why she only wants you for sex, but nothing more. I had a guy message me on Facebook for advice on a situation he is in. He was dating a woman for 6 months then out of nowhere she ghosted him. A few weeks later, he finds out that she is now in a relationship. He told that he had been wanting to pursue a relationship as well but the only thing she offered him is sex.

KYWK 101: No Sex Means No Relationship

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is no sex means no relationship. I have told you guys before that women are the gatekeepers of sex. This is something that all men need to understand because it’s the truth. But with that being said, there is no reason for any man to get into a relationship without having sex first.

KYWK 101: Women Who Sell Men On Implied Future Sex

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is women who sell men on implied future sex. This topic is something all men should be aware of if you are dating multiple women. Make no mistake about it, women already know that men want to have sex. But what most women have gotten good at is selling men on implied future sex.

KYWK 101: Giving Off Boyfriend Vibes, But You Only Want Sex

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is giving off boyfriend vibes, but you only want sex. So I had a guy message me on Facebook asking for my advice on something that has been happening to him a lot lately. He told me that the majority of the women he deals with all want to get in relationships with him.

VOTD: Man Questions Wife On Monogamy And Sex, Which Leads To Uncomfortable Moment For Their Marriage

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of VOTD, which means video of the day. The video I have for you guys today is a clip from a married couple who were having a very interesting and also alarming conversation about monogamy. The husband was questioning his wife about why do women want monogamy but feel like sex is chore. He also questioned her about how women pressure men into commitment and marriages as well. Watch the video for yourself, then we can get into this a little deeper.