KYWK 101: When She Says Maybe Or We’ll See

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is when she says maybe or we’ll see. When a woman is not that interested in you, they have multiple ways of blowing you off. They don’t like confrontation and they don’t like to hurt men’s feelings. A woman saying maybe or we’ll see to a date offer from you is a way to blow you off.

KYWK 101: Put A Premium On Your Attention

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is put a premium on your attention. As a man, everyone shouldn’t be able to get attention from you. If you view yourself as a high value person, you are going to put a premium on your attention. A lot of men waste unnecessary time with women that are not interested in them.

QOTD: Should Men Really Start Considering Prenuptial Agreements?

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of QOTD, which means question of the day. The question I have today is one that has started to garner a lot of attention over the past few years. My question is, should men really start considering prenuptial agreements? Over the past decade, marriages that end in divorce has skyrocketed at an all time high.

QOTD: If Your Woman Left You, What Would You Miss?

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of QOTD, which means question of the day. The question I have for you all is if your girl left you, what would you miss? When men are go through breakups, our disappointment isn’t really about losing her. What will deal with the most is a bruised ego. The reason why I say that is because we view women as possessions.

KYWK 101: Relationship Closure Is Not Important

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed s is relationship closure is not important. I’m sure you have seen on television where a couple needs to have closure once their relationship ends. But in the real world, getting closure from a failed relationship is really not that important.

KYWK 101: Dating Outside Your Comfort Zone

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is dating outside of your comfort zone. As men, we know what type of women of that we are attracted too. We also know where to go when looking for particular women. But how would you operate if you meet a woman outside of the normal way you usually meet.

KYWK 101: She Gave No Response At All

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is she gave no response at all. One of the worst feelings for a man to deal with is patiently waiting to hear back from a woman he really likes. This why when it comes to dates or just hanging with women, I like to get them on the phone and make definite plans.

KYWK 101: How We Start Is How We Finish

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is how we start is how we finish. As men, we all know what our intentions are when we meet a woman. But there is a delicate balance on how thing progress with her that will dictate the nature of the relationship. This is why I can understand when some women make a big deal about men taking them out on a date.