Modern Woman Complains After Her Bumble Date Ghosted Her After She Said No To This

It’s always interesting when women don’t like the response from men when they say no to something. Obviously, this man felt like he did enough to where he deserved sex. Whether it’s right or wrong, that’s how he felt. Once she made it known that she wasn’t with it, he ghosted her. While I don’t agree with ghosting, this does happen to men all the time. Women still haven’t understand that men nowadays are not going to keep spending on you without receiving something in return.  #ghosting #datingapps #dontlike #rightorwrong #understanding #deserve #dating #relationships #life #lifelessons

KYWK 101: Too Many Dates Soon Can Lead To Ghosting

What’s up kings, it’s time for another installment of KYWK 101. The topic that will be discussed is too many dates soon can lead to ghosting. I think we all have been in situations where you think everything is going good with a woman then out of nowhere, she goes ghost. While there are multiple reasons on why women do this, I want to deal with one of the main reasons why this happens.

Christian Wood Tells Story About His Girlfriend Ghosting Him After He Went Undrafted, Which Is Why I Say Men Are Lottery Tickets

What’s up kings, I have something a little bit different for you guys today. I want to have a discussion about Houston Rockets forward Christian Wood. So back in 2015, Wood entered his name into the NBA Draft, but went undrafted. As you would expect, he was heartbroken that he couldn’t achieve the goal of being drafted. But to make matters worse, his girlfriend ghosted him right after.