QOTD: Why Is Society Promoting The Steady Feminization Of Men?

Now there is a lot stuff that Owens talks about that I don’t agree with. But in regards to this, she is spot on. So if you have been paying attention, there has been a major push of this type of male behavior in the United States. You constantly see men wear dresses or putting on makeup thinking it’s funny or cute.

The problem I have with this is your are trying to program a younger generation of men that it’s okay to dress like women. Most feminine women understand how valuable a strong man is and what he adds to society. It’s the feminist who will try to tell men that dressing like this shows how masculine he really is. But when has it been cool for women to define what’s masculine or not for men.

Fellas, this why I tell you guys to pay attention to the things that are going on around you. A big reason why stuff like this continues to happen because women have allowed it. Any man who tries to speak on stuff like this usually gets called all types of names from homophobic to being in the closet.

I mean look at Owens’ tweet, there are multiple women bashing her because she wants men to be more masculine. So what do you think kings, do you agree with Owens’ tweet? I personally think that this is going to get worse as time goes on. The only way this stuff goes away is if women start to complain about this in large numbers.

One Reply to “QOTD: Why Is Society Promoting The Steady Feminization Of Men?”

  1. Expressing yourself in ways that separates you from another is praised by most nowadays. Those who don’t like that are just insecure with themself, and feel as though others should abide by the engraved, outdated rules that lie in their head. As a girl, I admire when boys express themselves and push away from toxic masculinity. I don’t find a “tough” “strong” man attractive, but a man who knows his place and is respectful to women. When it comes to traditional roles, the gender stereotypes are blurring, and when I start a family, I don’t want my husband to be the “leader of the house,” I’d much rather it be a team effort. People believe that the femininity of men makes them weak, but that is just implying that women are weak. A man being feminine shows immense strength, it shows they don’t care about what others think, and they are willing to be themselves under any circumstance. Society doesn’t need a “tough man.” Rather they need a respectful, kind, STRONG, and good-hearted man.

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