QOTD: Why Does She Make You Work Harder Compared To Other Men In Her Life?

I would have to take them out on a bunch of dates and put in time with her on the phone. But in the meantime, some of the other guys in her life didn’t have to do those things and basically treated her how they wanted. I learned that my approach from the beginning of the courtship was the reason why I had to work so hard.

I treated the women with to much respect to the point that she knew I put her on a pedestal. She already knew that she had me locked in, because women can sense if you are really into to them. If you give off that vibe to her and the feeling is not mutual, get ready to be jerked around. Another thing I had to learn was going after what I want no matter the outcome.

A lot of men try to play it cool and go with the flow when they are on a date. But there comes a time where you have to push the envelope. There comes a time where you need to escalate things to the next level. You already know what you want to do, so there is no need to slow pace things. Just going for a kiss can pay huge dividends in your pursuit of a woman. Even if she isn’t with it, you now know where you stand with her.

I have had women reject me when it comes to the kiss back then double back a week later for sex. Like I have said before, women already have an idea of what they want to do with you. Your job is to not talk her out of whatever she has planned for you.. So what do you think kings, what were some of the reason a woman made you work harder compared to other men?