QOTD: Why Do Women Complain About Being Sexualized But Partake In Challenges That Encourage This?

Buss it and Silhouette challenges have been dominating social media since the beginning of the new year. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here are a few examples of both challenges.


Now I really don’t have a problem with these videos because I understand that women love attention. I’m pretty sure that the majority of men who have watched these videos don’t have a problem with this either. The problem starts when women get upset with men for their commentary on their videos. Some of these women have started to complain that they are being looked at as sexual objects.

It’s gotten so ridiculous that other women are speaking out about this.

What’s funny about this is women know why they are doing these challenges. They are doing this for male attention and for no other reason. Some of them will try and say otherwise but we all know what’s up. So what do you think kings, why do you think women complain about being sexualized but partake in challenges that encourage this? The you agree with me that it’s all for attention or do you believe it’s something else?