QOTD: Why Do Most Men Believe In Suffering In Silence?

But it really boils down to that many men just don’t have an outlet we can trust to voice our displeasures. Most men don’t like expressing themselves to their women, because a lot of them will throw it back in our faces during an argument. Some men don’t like expressing themselves to their friends due to their ego.

There are some men who are to prideful to go see a therapist and explain their issues, but will continue to let their mental health deteriorate. For example, I use to be just like how society programmed men to be. I used to try and fight my battles in silence, but one situation in my life changed everything for me. When I was going through my problems with my ex girlfriend, I tried to keep everything close to vest, but it started to make me very angry.

So I started using my friends as an outlet to express myself, regardless of how they felt about it. Sometimes they will give me advice that I didn’t want to hear, but I needed them to be honest with me. I also knew there was times where they didn’t want to hear my complaints about my relationship, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t about them, it was about me getting stuff off my chest to clear my mind of negativity.

Once I started to do this, my self esteem and mental health started to get stronger by the day. Nowadays, It takes a lot for someone to knock me off my emotional center. So I say all of this to you guys to let you know that you don’t have to fight your battles by yourself nor should you. Find you an outlet and use that as the way you vent and express yourself.

Talking to your friends to me is the best route to go because you just might find out that they are fighting the same battles as well. So what do you think kings? Why do you think men continue to suffer in silence? What are some of the outlets that you use to express yourself?