QOTD: Why Are Men Starting To Say No To Marriage?

I’m sure you guys know someone who has a horror story about getting divorce. I’m sure that you have seen people have this discussion on social media as well. Most of the time when a divorce happens, the man is put in a position where he has to start from scratch while she continues her same lifestyle. Now I’m not against men getting married but I do think they have to be smart about it.

Part of the problem is men keep getting married as they start to come into their prime. Society has conditioned us to go to college, graduate, meet a woman, get married, buy a house, and have kids. But like I have said before, men come into their prime towards our late 20’s. We start to make the most money we have ever made and we have more knowledge because of what we have been though.

As our potential goes up, women’s potential is going down because of their age. I say all of this to say that men should get married in their 20’s. Life has so much to offer when you get into your 30’s. There is to much information out here now to not make the right decisions. So what do you think kings? Why do you think men are starting to say no to marriage?