QOTD: What Can Men Learn From Bill Gates Getting Divorced?

His wife is reportedly expected to receive $164 billion once the divorce is finalized. This has prompted men from all over to chime in on this and many are saying this is why marriage is a sham. While I agree slightly, I think there are two things men can learn from this ordeal. The first thing men can learn from this is love doesn’t exist when it comes to money.

When you are a man of means, you have to know that the women you come across are into you for one thing. If you are making at least six figures, you have to know that women are going to be into what you can do for them. Now I will give Gates’ wife some slack because she was with him for 27 years. The second thing men can learn from this situation is getting married is and always will be a calculated risk.

If you don’t know by now, hopefully this situation will make some of you see the light. In this day and age, men have no leverage when it comes to marriage unless she signs a prenup. And even then, you have some women who will try to fight the prenup that they signed. So what do you think kings? What did you learn from one of the richest men in world losing $164 billion by getting divorced?