QOTD: Should You Wait For Choosing Signals Or Just Direct Approach?

If I see someone who interest me, I’m going to walk up to her. Waiting for choosing signals can be a blessing and a curse. The main thing is to recognize when a woman is giving you choosing signals. These signals can come in many differentiation ways, depending on the woman at that time. Some women will give you a lot of eye contact.

Other will spot you across the room and then 10 minutes later she is standing next to you. While I believe that choosing signals do exist, there is a issue I have with this method. I believe a lot of men are using this as a excuse to not approach women. Even if a woman does give you choosing signals, you still have to approach her regardless.

It’s rare that a woman will walk up to you and voice her interest to you. She is going to give little hints and hope that you catch on. You literally have men who won’t approach a woman unless she gives him choosing signals first. Not every women is going to give you a choosing signal. That’s why it would be foolish to just sit there and wait strictly for choosing signals.

Can you imagine how many women you would potentially miss out on by doing this? So what do you think kings? Are you in the group of men who waits on choosing signals or do you just go for the direct approach?