QOTD: If Your Woman Left You, What Would You Miss?

So just think about when you lose a possession like a watch, a ring, or your wallet. At that moment, you feel sick until you get a replacement, which is the same thing for women. That’s why when you are trying to get over a woman, the best way to do it is to get more women. What’s even more funny about this is when you really sit back and really think about what you miss about her.

Like is there something your woman does that you feel like no other woman can do for you? Some men will say sex, but to me that not a really a valid answer. There are plenty of women out here who you can have sex with, so it can’t be that. At the end of the day, if she isn’t a woman who helped you better yourself in the long run, you won’t miss her.

So kings, I want to her what you have to say about this. Does your current woman bring value to your life that you would miss? Or do you feel like you can find another woman who can do the same things your current or ex woman do?