QOTD: If Your Feelings For Your Woman Are Gone, Why Stay In That Relationship?

One thing I tell men all the time is always pursue your happiness. There are a lot of men who are sitting in relationships or marriages and they are miserable. They will give all types of excuses for why they don’t want to break things off. The most common excuse for married men is they are sticking around for the kids.

Another one is if they get a divorce, they will lose everything in court. Now while I do understand to a degree, do you still want to be held hostage with someone you’re not feeling anymore? For men that are in a relationship, there is no reason to sit around and be miserable with a person you don’t have feelings for.

I have had men have who have given me every excuse on why they are still in that situation. But what that really means is he is scared to go after what he really wants. You only have one life to live, why waste valuable years with someone you are not into anymore? Now I’m not saying it’s easy to just move on from someone you care about. Hell, I remember it took me 2 months to build up the courage to break things off with my ex girlfriend.

But when I did make that decision, it freed me and I knew that I had the strength to walk away. I’m telling you guys, once you are able to do this, it will change your life and then you can go after the life you really want and deserve. So what do you think kings, why do you think men stick around in relationships or marriages when the feelings are gone?