QOTD: How Much Responsibility Should A Man Have When In A Relationship With A Single Mom?

I thought this tweet was very interesting as many men run into this issue a lot. Which is why I asked the question, how much responsibility should a man have when in a relationship with a single mom? Before I answer this question, let’s break this down. If you have ever dated a woman with a kid, you can tell early how much they love and care for them.

She will also make it known that they are a package deal, which is where I think some of the problems start. If you decide to get into a relationship with a single mom, I strongly encourage you to do some research on her support system. A single mom’s support system would be her parents, brother, sister, and the rest of her immediate family.

But the most important thing that you need to find out is if the father is in the kid’s life. Let’s say that the father is in the kid’s life and both parties are co-parenting on good terms. This is the most ideal situation that you can have in my opinion. It lets you set it how things are going to go between the two of you. For example, with the father in the kid’s life, you shouldn’t try to step in that role for any reason.

Your job is just to date her, so don’t try to complicate things. Even if you want to help out financially, you should only be there to save the day if you are her last resort. Now if the father is not in the kid’s life, you have some serious thinking to do. I will tell you guys about a situation that I found myself in a few years ago. My ex girlfriend had a kid and the dad was not around in the beginning.

So with that being said, I tried to be the father figure in the kid’s life, but felt like I didn’t get the respect that I deserved. There was always this battle because you have to get the kid to respect you. But it’s hard to do when it’s not your kid. Now I was apart of the decision making when it came to her daughter for a good bit of the relationship.

But then after 2 years, the dad came back for a brief period and I was stripped of those duties. That only made matters worse as our relationship was falling off fast. Once that happened to me, I told myself I would never try to be in that spot again. When the dad disappeared again, she would try to hand me those responsibilities again but I wouldn’t accept it.

So kings, I honestly believe that you need to dictate how much responsibility you have in a relationship with a single mother. This will go smoothly if the kid’s father is around because you can just focus on your relationship with her. But if he is not around, you can’t complain about the help she needs because you already knew what the situation was from the beginning. So what do you guys think? I would love to know what you kings think about this.