QOTD: How Many Red Flags Are Too Many?

But when it comes to red flags, you have to set the standard that you want to live by. Women are not perfect, so they are going to do things that make you questioned them. But to me, it really all depends on what type of red flag that you are getting from her. Women can hide some of these for a few months but eventually they will show. You should not be in a relationship with any women without knowing if she has red flags or not.

For example, one red flag that I will never tolerate is dishonesty. Look, I know that people tend to lie about things but this can’t be something that happens all the time. If I constantly keep catching you in a lie, that lets me know that this is something you always do so you can’t be trusted. So if I can’t trust her, why would I ever consider being in a relationship with her? There will be some red flags that women show you that are on the petty side of things.

The red flags that you should pay the most attention to are the ones that are on the side of disrespect. So what do you think kings? What are some of the red flags that you will tolerate? On the flip side, what are some of the red flags that you definitely wouldn’t tolerate?