PJ Washington’s Dilemma With Brittany Renner Is Great Example Of How Men Become Heartless

Renner already had a reputation before she met Washington, but really went mainstream after she wrote a book about all the men she has sex with. If you take a listen to the video below, it doesn’t take long to see what her game is.

Over the past few weeks, Washington has been venting on Twitter about how he is unable to see his son. On top of that, Washington is now slated to pay $200,000 a year in child support after Renner secretly filed for divorce. There are also rumors that she is about to write another book, which I’m sure will be about her dealings with Washington. Now you guys know that I always hold men accountable for putting themselves in situations like this.

Do I blame Washington for everything that is going wrong in his life right now? Yes I do, but now we have to deal with something else that no one is talking about. Women often wonder, how do men become assholes or heartless towards them? Well this is a great example of how a man can start to be heartless towards women. At age 22, Washington is finding out what many men already know or have been through, but on a larger scale. He is being laughed and made fun of because of what is happening to him.

Situations like this is also how a man’s mental health can go down the drain very fast. It’s all fun and games until he starts treating women like they are disposable objects. Those same people that are laughing at him now will start to complain when doesn’t care about any women’s feelings.

Fellas, I tell you guys all the time that women are always looking out for their betterment. You have to get past this mindset of thinking you need a woman to love you. If you don’t love or value yourself first, why would she? I will tell you this though, it’s going to be a long time before Washington puts his trust in a woman again. So what do you think kings? Do you agree that this is a great example of how to turn a man heartless? Or do you think that Washington is getting what he deserved?