Lionel Richie Has A 30 Year Old Girlfriend, So Guess Who’s Mad About It?

While a lot of men were congratulating Richie for this, you already know who was not happy at all about this. There were a lot of women who was upset and complained about Richie dating someone so young. They threw out the usual, “she only wants him for his money” line in their critique of their relationship. I’m not surprised about the complaints because women don’t like it when men can date younger than their age.

The reason be is because they can’t do the same thing because their looks start to fade. When was the last time you heard of a man in his 30s is dating a woman that is 71? As a man, if you keep yourself in good shape and have a steady income, you have the ability to date in your age bracket and below it. You are going to have some people who believe that this only happened for Richie because he is an entertainer.

But trust me men when I say that there are a lot of older men who are experiencing the same thing as well. So kings, this just goes to show we can date younger even when we get up there in age. Now you still need to stay in shape and stay getting money. If you keep yourself up and still be a catch, these women will still be after you.