KYWK 101: Your Insecurities Will Turn Women Off

Most of the time, those insecurities start to show when you don’t believe in yourself. For example, let’s say you asked a woman out on a date a couple of times and she flaked on you both times. How you deal with this situation will tell her everything she needs to know about you. If you are a guy who is successful with women, someone flaking on you won’t really bother you.

The mindset you should have is on to the next one. In my experiences dealing with flakes, I would wait 2 -3 weeks before I reach out again. The reason why is because I have other women who are waiting to go out with me. Even if you don’t have it like that, you need to fake it until you make it. Remember, some women will also do this just to test you.

So that’s why you don’t get upset when this happens. When she gives you her reasoning of why she can’t make the date, your response should be okay. Don’t start complaining about to her because it will make you look weak. Also, make sure that when you contact her that you are making definite dates. If you leave things up in the air and haven’t set a definite date, that is a quick way to have a woman flake on you.

So remember kings, don’t let your insecurities cause you to turn the women that you like off. Like I said before, women love to test so they can weed out the insecure men. If a woman is flaking on you, just move on to the next one. This should always be your mindset when dealing with women.