KYWK 101: You Should Never Care About Her Ex Boyfriend

Of course once he heard that, things begin to change between the two of them. He feels some type of way because he thought that she was only talking to him. Which is why he decided to reach out to me to see if he overreacted, but I’m sure he is thinking twice about it now. Fellas, if you and her are not committed relationship, she is free to do whatever she wants. He was very naïve to believe that he was the only man that she talks to.

I have told you guys on multiple occasions that women will do what they want to do whether you like it or not. Which is why you can’t let yourself get caught up in where she might be at or who she is talking too. Women get text messages and phone calls from guys in their past all the time. Men that are successful with women know this and could care less about it. I told him that he is about to mess up a very good situation for himself because of his insecurities. I told him that she probably brought up the ex boyfriend just to see how he would react.

Women do little things like this just to test you and see what you are made of. I told him that he needs get over his insecurities and forget about the ex boyfriend. So remember kings, you should never care about a woman’s ex boyfriend. All you need to focus on is what you and her have got going on. Like I said above, women always receive text messages and phone calls from men all the time. You have to already know this and not waste your time and energy worrying about it.