KYWK 101: You Should Let Women Come And Go As They Please

As you start dating multiple women, you will start to lose some women from time to time. A big part of this is that you only have so much time that you can give away. If you are dealing with 4 or 5 females, there is only so much time to go around. Another part of this is just like you have options, women do to but they are more secretive about it.

That’s why it is very important to let them come and go as they please. For example, you might just want to hookup with a certain woman on your team and not want nothing serious. But there could be multiple guys that she deals with that want to be in a relationship with her and makes that known.

If she feels like nothing is happening with you, she will start to give her attention to the other guys who are looking to be in a relationship. And the funny thing about it is that she won’t tell you anything. You don’t need to get upset, you just let it happen. Which is another reason why you should also be looking for candidates to join your team.

But let’s say she does disappear for a few months then tries to come back to you. The way you should handle this is you let her come back into the fold, but she starts at the bottom. Because a lot of women will just act like nothing never happened and we just pickup where we left off. So when she comes back, it’s important that you make her earn her spot back again.

So remember kings, don’t get all bend out of shape if a female disappears on you. Especially if you are a guy who doesn’t want to be in a relationship. Once she gets through playing with those simps, she coming running back to you. In the meantime, you need to be adding to your roster to replace her.

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