KYWK 101: You Have To Match Her Audacity

Women are very quick to let you know what they will do or won’t do. They can be very arrogant, so you have to be ready to give them options. What I mean by giving them options is basically giving them something to think about. But just know that when you are giving them options to think differently, you have to be ready to take a loss as well.

For example, let’s say you invite a woman that you are dating over to your house. After you give her the invite, she tells you no because all you want to do is have sex. Most men would tell her that is not the case just so she can come over, even though he plans to push up on her anyways. But the thing is, you can’t let her try to set the guidelines for what you want to do.

If she wants to set guidelines for what you want to do, you need to do the same for her. This is when you need to give her another option and have her walking away thinking. In this situation, I would say, can I say to you that we are going to have sex but I don’t want to take you out for food and drinks? On top of that, I don’t want any conversation from you either? I’m sure she is going to say no to that but that is a easy way to match her audacity of saying what she will or won’t do.

So remember kings, you have to always match her audacity when she starts talking crazy. You also shouldn’t be afraid to take a loss if she decides to walk away afterwards. But she will be walking away with the option to think different the next time she tries to setup guidelines.