KYWK 101: Wounds Become Your Strengths

The key to understanding why you feel this way and how to turn those wounds into a strength. For example, a lot of people can relate to the feeling of getting past over for a promotion. There can be so much anger and emotion that you might go through in that moment. You might not know it at the time but this incident has caused a wound that you need heal then strengthen.

To strengthen this wound, you have to humble yourself. Ask you manager what made him or her pick someone other than you. You want to hear the truth because if will help you make the necessary changes. Who knows, those changes might give you another opportunity for another position besides the one you was going after.

When it comes to relationship breakups, you will definitely have wounds that you need to strengthen. Breakups expose your weaknesses in a way that you wouldn’t believe. Like I said above, you have to humble yourself and objectively look at your failed relationship to see what you could have done better. If you are honest with yourself, you can recognize what you did wrong and you can start to heal.

As you start to heal, now you can start to strengthen whatever wounds that was there. So remember kings, we all have had wounds that we needed to heal and strengthen. The key is not to let your ego get in the way of your healing. Once your wound become a strength, people that know you will start to take notice.