KYWK 101: Women With Unrealistic Expectations

Some women will expect things from you that they can’t even provide from themselves. So as a man, you need to be very aware of what type of expectations a woman tries to place on you. For example, there are plenty of women who want a man who makes a lot of money. But what they don’t never consider is what they are bringing to the table.

You have women who want men who make 6 to 7 figures a year, but they barely make over $50,000. On top of that, he has to have his own place, a nice car, good credit amongst other things as well. Meanwhile she might have 1 out of the 3 things I just mentioned and could have kids as well. It’s a known fact that women will always lookout for the betterment first.

But if you are a guy that most women view as high value, you don’t have to meet a woman’s expectations. The smart women know that your expectations of her is what matters the most. So remember kings, there are plenty of women who have unrealistic expectations. These types of women you will never be able to make happy.

You could do everything she wants you to do and it still wouldn’t be enough. Like I said above, a man who other women view as high value doesn’t try to meet expectations. He already knows that his expectations of her is what matters at the end of the day.

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