KYWK 101: Women Will Test To See Your Strength

Women do this to weed out the guys that are emotional and not centered. A woman’s test could be something so simple, but it can have a huge impact on the way she views you. For example, let’s say you’re out on a date at a restaurant and the waiter comes over to take your order. After the 10 to 20 minutes, the waiter shows up with your food but it’s not what you order.

Knowing how women are, the majority of them will try to say something to the waiter before you would. But before it even gets to the point, you need to already let her know that you got this handle. It sets the tone from the beginning that you don’t need her to step in for nothing.

I know that it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but trust me it is. Women are looking for a man that they don’t have to question if he will be able to handle things. The more you fail at this, the more test she will send your way.

So remember kings, you have to be ready for any test that a woman could send your way. She is trying to figure out if you are going to be like the rest of the guys in her phone. If you show her that you are different, things will run smooth. But if she gets the sense that you are weak, get ready for all types of hurdles to come your way.