KYWK 101: Women Who Sell Men On Implied Future Sex

For example, there are women who will want you to court them but give you excuses about having sex. I have had women who have told me that they don’t like having causal sex. But the funny thing is, she has no problem having causal conversations or going on a causal date with me. Women love to set up rules for men, especially for the ones they have no interest in.

Like I always tell you guys, women will always try to sell their betterment first. A woman can only get away with something like this if you play along with her game. As men, will have to let go of our egos and don’t be afraid to take a loss. After 3 dates with a woman, you need to make her ante up to see where you stand. If she is still not with it, take that time and effort that you was giving her and start to give it to someone else.

So remember kings, there will be women who will try to sell you on implied future sex. She can only get away with this if you act naïve to what she is doing. Like I said above, you should pushing up on her to see where you stand. The last thing you want to do is waste time, energy and money on a woman who is either playing games or isn’t really interested in you.