KYWK 101: Women Who Purposefully Hold Back

What I have noticed is when women have been treated poorly in the past, they can’t get over it. Women are known to bring past issues into new situations. That will purposefully hold back feelings and sex just due to what the last man did to her. These types of women are emotionally messed up, which could be a huge hurdle to overcome.

Sometimes, it could be things that happened in her childhood that has her this way as well. Fellas, this is where you come into play. If you run into a woman like this, you have to figure out do you want to invest the time to open her up. Do you want to be the one that always has to initiate things? Do you want to teach her how to express her feelings or to love someone?

These are questions that you have to ask yourself when you are dealing with these types of women. There could be a time where you realize that she’s a lost cause and you will have to move on. So remember kings, beware of the women who purposefully holds back. Like I said above, there can be multiple reasons why she is doing this.

If you feel like she is worth it, try to open her up to get her to be more forthcoming with how she feels. If she is not willing to meet you halfway with this, more than likely you will have to move on.