KYWK 101: Women Who Don’t Respect Your Job Occupation Regardless Of How Much You Make

As a man and a logical thinker, I know that you can make a lot of money being a Lyft driver. This is especially true if you live in a destination city that has tourists visit frequently. But when it comes to job titles, women are more shallow than us. One thing I know is women love to do is brag to others about what their man does and how much money he brings in. While you can bring in a lot of money being a Lyft driver, it’s not the typical traditional job occupation that might suggest you are successful.

Being a lawyer, doctor, or a manager of others at a big company are some of the traditional job occupations that women would love to brag about. But if you know the money you are making is pretty good, why would you care about what those particular women think? I bet she wouldn’t care about your job occupation if you asked to take her out to eat. Sometimes, women like to say things to men just to mess with our egos. This is especially true if she believes that you are confident and think very highly of yourself.

So remember kings, there will be some women who don’t respect your job occupation regardless of how much money you make. These types of women are very shallow thinkers and you shouldn’t pay them any attention. Odds are these same women who are putting you down don’t even come close to the money you are making. If a woman is going out her way to put down what you do, that means you are doing everything right.