KYWK 101: Women Want Finished Products

When she comes into your life, she is already expecting you to have your life in order. The older the women is, the more emphasis she will put on this. This is why when men are in their early 20’s, the women in that age group are usually talking to older men. A lot of men get very upset that women are not as loyal when it comes to this.

For men, money doesn’t really matter to us when it comes to women. As long as she is attractive, most men really don’t care about how her life is. Because men who are finished products know that they can elevate her life just by dating her. But women don’t operate like that and for good reason. Women are all about stability, which shouldn’t be a surprise to men.

A lot of women want to be taken care of or at least want to know that their man can handle everything if need be. Think about it fellas, if you are struggling trying to get your life together, why would a woman stick around with you? There are going to be other men that offer her the stability and flexibility that she wants. Fellas, we have to get it through our heads that women wants us for our lifestyle.

If you are living a lifestyle that she wants to be apart, she will make it her issue to get involved with you. So remember kings, women always want finished products. They don’t want to be in the trenches with you while you are trying to figure what you want to be in life. They don’t want to be apart of the struggle that you have to go through. Women want to be at the finish line waiting for the men they believe are the winners.