KYWK 101: Women Using Your Vulnerabilities Against You

The majority men have had a woman that they cared about use their feelings against them. Anytime you have a disagreement with a woman, the first thing she will do is bring up one of your vulnerabilities that you told her. For example, let’s say you tell your women about how your boss at work is treating you.

You express how the situation makes you feel and she claims to understand why you feel this way. You are telling her this in confidence because she is your woman. But the moment you and her get into an argument, she will use that against you. She might say something like, why don’t you talk to your boss like that? Why you want give him this energy that you giving me?

It’s little jabs like this that make men shutdown completely. This is why I believe that a man should never be vulnerable around women. Even though women say that’s what they want, they will you this against if it comes to that point.

So remember kings, you have to be aware of women who will use your vulnerabilities against you. If you have feelings to express or find yourself in a vulnerable state, never go to your woman. That’s where your friends come into play. Go out and have some drinks with the fellas and vent to them. Trust me, it better to do it this way.