KYWK 101: Women Shouldn’t Be The Focus Of Your Life

Where some men fall short is they try to do all those things I just mentioned in hopes to attract women. While bettering yourself will make women take notice of you, it shouldn’t be your main goal. When you going through the process of bettering yourself, most women won’t be paying attention. One thing I have learned over the years is that women don’t want to go through the grind with you.

Women want to meet you at the finish line because that signals to her that you are a winner. For example, there were plenty of women who bypassed me when I was in college for information technology. During those two years, there was certain women I tried to talk too who wouldn’t deal with me at all. But as soon as I finished school and got a job in the IT field, those same women now want to date me.

Which is why I’m saying that when you start to come up in life, women will find you. Now I know some of you will read this and say, “I want a woman who is down with me from the beginning”. To be honest, all men would want and love for that to happen but it’s just not reality. Women don’t want to win, they want a winner so always remember that.

So remember kings, women shouldn’t be the sole focus when you are trying to better yourself. When you are striving to be the best version of yourself, you should take pride in that. At the end of the day, once you got everything the way you want it, women will be waiting for you at the finish line.