KYWK 101: Women Love Infiltrating Male Spaces

That’s why they love to be around us all the time. If you think about any place that men hangout at, you can rest assure that women will not be far behind. Back in the early 2000’s, women going to the strip club with their boyfriend was a thing. But now, you have groups of women coming to strip club hanging out just like the men do.

In some cases, you have regular women dancing along with the strippers. The same can be said when it comes to sports bars as well. Men know that most women are not big sports fans but they will pretend like they do just so they can be around. When there is a big sporting event happening, women know that men are going to flock to sports bars.

So knowing that, women will show up there as well. The same goes for sporting events as well because they know one of the best ways you find men is through sporting events. So remember kings, women love to be in male spaces. Regardless of what you might see on social media or hear women say, they love hanging out in our spaces.

For all the complaints that women have about men, they will always want to be apart of everything we do. I know some men don’t like this but I think this is a good thing.