KYWK 101: Women Don’t Want You To Fix All Their Problems

While sometimes that can be true, most of the time they just want us to listen. As men, when someone presents us with a problem or issue, we start trying to figure out how to solve it. It’s in our nature to be like that, but you have to remember who you dealing with. Women’s emotions can be all over the place at times, so you have to be the one to reel her back in.

For example, let’s say your girl comes home and you can tell she is aggravated. Naturally, you ask her what’s wrong and then she proceeds to start complaining about what happened to her at work. As she starts to tell the story, we as men are listening to give her advice once she finishes.

But what you should do is just listen and not try to solve her issue. If you don’t know what to do, before she gets started just ask her “Do you want me to listen or to give you advice?” That way, she won’t get upset with you because you put everything on her.

So remember kings, I know you might not want to listen yo your girl vent but it’s something that you have to do. We try to solve her problem quick because we want the conversation to be over. But trust me, if you just listen to her and don’t try to solve all of her problems, you will come out as the winner in the end.