KYWK 101: Women Do Not Do Things Righteously

This is because they don’t say or do things righteously like we do. For example, let’s say you have a girlfriend and she starts to complain about certain aspect of your relationship. It could be that you don’t spend enough time with her or you don’t call her enough. For the men that are in long distance relationship, her reason to complain is that you don’t come down to visit enough.

Then one day, she suggest that you guys should have an open relationship or just be friends. First off, you have to understand that when women talk, there is a pretense behind it. So when she starts suggesting open relationships or being friends, that means she has already met someone. When us men say these things, it means we are getting sick and tired of her, but we know we have to build our team of women up again.

Women never leave themselves hanging like that, so they will never break something off without have a replacement lined up. I’ll give you another example that happen to me. Me and my ex had been going back and forth through some rocky times, but there was a good 3 weeks towards the end of our relationship that we were good.

Then out of the blue, she tells me that we should just be friends. It threw me for a loop, so that whole day I was trying to figure out what went wrong. The next morning, I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, when her phone lit up. It was a text from a dude that was asking when was he going to see her again. A few months later, she confirmed to me that she did indeed break things off with me to start things off with the other guy.

So remember kings, women never do things righteously, there always will be a pretense. When they start suggesting changes to how your relationship should be, just know that she already has a replacement in which she is ready to move forward with. It’s a harsh reality, but that’s why I tell you guys to pay attention to everything your woman does.