KYWK 101: Women Are Not Logical

This is why I always tell you guys that you don’t put a lot of stock into what a woman says. What you do pay attention to is her actions, because that will tell you everything. I’m sure you guys have dealt with a woman who always tries to express how she feels about something. Even if what they are expressing is wrong, they will be very dismissive when you try to be logically.

Now I do believe that as a man, it is your job to introduce logic into your girl’s life. But you have to realize that you can’t use logic all the time. For example, let’s say you out on a date with a woman you just met. Most women are going to ask you questions and then read your body language to see how you respond.

Most guys are going to try to think of the most logical answer instead of just answering how they really feel. So remember kings, you always have to keep in mind that women are not logical. They are going to do a lot of stuff that really don’t make sense. It’s your job to get her to understand the logic that you are kicking to her.