KYWK 101: Why Women Lose Interest

Now women will give you plenty of excuses if you question her about this, but don’t believe her. In my experience, there are three reasons why her interest has dropped. The first reason is you are to focused on her and not enough on yourself. What I mean by that is you are probably starting to call and text her more than you should.

I have told you guys before that you have to let women do the pursuing. So if you find yourself in this position, you have to gradually back off the pursuit. The second reason for her to lose interest is if you get complacent. So what I mean by that is you always have to remember that the courtship of a woman never ends. If you started out doing weekly dates or phone calls with a woman and then fall off, she will lose interest. Women are all about routine so if you establish going out once a week or calling everyday, she will expect you to keep it up.

The third reason why a woman would lose interest is another man is around. I tell you guys all the time to never believe that you are the only man in her life. Women get approached by men on a daily basis and that’s not including ex boyfriends who are waiting around as well. When she starts to lose interest, she will start to entertain the background men again.

So remember kings, women will lose interest in you for different reasons. The good thing is there are ways to adjust if you find yourself in any of the the three examples I told you about. You always have to make sure that you are reading her correctly so you can stay ahead of her at all times.