KYWK 101: Why Women Continue To Test You More Than Usual

Women will always remember the men who were weak and a pushover. So when those men come back with a different attitude, she wants to know if this is really you. The best way for her to find this out is to test you more than she usually would. Another reason why she would test you more than usual is if you start displaying weak behavior. Men have a hard time being the man he needs to be when he is dealing with a woman he really likes.

Some men try so hard to not mess up but end up doing this anyway. You have to understand that women already have a lot of these types of men who are either currently or trying to date her. You should have the mindset of always wanting to stand out to her. If you come off as a strong centered man, she will want to be around you more.

So remember kings, some women will test you more than usual depending on how you present yourself. If you acted weak with her in the past, you should already prepare yourself for those tests. Like I said above, women want a man who they know is strong and centered. If she starts to question that, just know that she will start to test you more and more.